Inside Radio was created by Flava Production, an esteemed audio production company founded in July 2009. With a passion for audio excellence and innovation, we have collaborated with numerous reputable brands to create award-winning products. Our vision was to build the largest syndicated shopping radio platform that shoppers could rely on for vital information about products, services, promos, sales, and discounts within various supermarket locations.


We aim to establish Inside Radio as the go-to platform for in-store audio advertising, creating a seamless blend of music, promotions, and product information that enriches the shopping environment. Our goal is to make shopping more enjoyable and engaging for consumers while providing brands with a powerful medium to reach their audience.


Our mission is to make shopping fun and less of a chore by broadcasting exciting radio content that plays the best music and delivers vital product information, promotions, and discounts. We strive to create a shopping atmosphere that entertains and informs, helping shoppers make better purchasing decisions.

Our Clients

We have proudly worked with leading brands

Partner with InsideRadio today!

Whether you are a brand looking to boost visibility, a supermarket aiming to enhance the shopping experience, or a music artist wanting to reach a wider audience, Inside Radio is your perfect partner. We invite you to join us in creating impactful and memorable audio experiences.


Inside Radio is powered by a team of visionary creators with a passion for audio excellence and innovation


Founder / Chief Executive Officer


Chief Product Officer